The kit my sweet garden contains all the necessary to make cupcakes gourmands to look like vegetable garden: +/- 18 brown boxes for "pots", 1 pastry bag, 1 stainless steel flower cutter, 1 spaghetti sleeve, 1 sugar paste green 80g, 1 orange sugar paste 80g and a sheet of tips and modeling for bluffing achievements!
A kit to make with your family!
Contient : +/- 18 caissettes marrons de présentation en papier / 1 poche à douille jetable en plastique / 1 découpoir fleur en inox, dimensions Ø2cm. Entretien facile à l'eau chaude / 1 douille spaghetti en inox Douille inox 18/8, dimensions : Ø1,7 x H4,5 cm. Entretien facile à l'eau chaude. Produits aptes au contact alimentaire / Ingrédients pâte à sucre (77,5%) - Produit de confiserie : sucre, sirop de glucose, huiles et graisses végétales non hydrogénées (huile de palme, coton, carthame et tournesol, beurre de karité et d’illipé), eau, amidon de maïs, épaississant : E466, E407, E412; humectant : E422; amidon modifié, correcteur d’acidité E330; arômes, colorants : orange(E160a, E160c, E120); vert clair ( colorants : E160a, E133),conservateur : E202. Peut contenir des traces d’œufs, lait, fruits à coque et dérivés. Valeur nutritionnelle moyenne pour 100 g / Valeurs énergétiques : 1702 kJ – 402 kcal / matières grasses : 7 g - dont acides gras saturés : 4 g / glucides : 85 g - dont sucres : 80 g / protéines : 0,2 g / sel : 0,2 g. Conseil d’utilisation : pétrir la pâte jusqu’à ce qu’elle devienne souple. Conservation : conserver le reste de la pâte dans un film alimentaire mis dans une boîte hermétique. Couleur susceptible de varier légèrement. Poids net : 100g
For our articles in stock, the average time of delivery is as follows:
- two to three days for Switzerland,
- three to five days for Europe
- five to ten days for the rest of the World
For our free articles, we work directly with producers and suppliers, which allow us to have competitive prices. The average time of delivery is as follows:
- One to three weeks for the USA
- Two to seven weeks for the rest of the World
According to the article L.121-20 and following ones of the Swiss Code of the Consumption the consumer has a deadline of 7 working days from the date of delivery of his command, to turn any article not agreing him and to ask for the exchange or for the refund without penalty, with the exception of the expenses of return. The product will necessarily have to have returned in perfect condition, in its undamaged original packing. He will have to be accompanied with all his accessories (notes, cords, remote controls, guaranteed, etc. ...). Failing that, you will lose your right to withdraw and the product will have returned to you to your expenses.
We accept the returns of your articles under 14 days according to your country of delivery andwe shall reimburse you the total amount paid.
Prior to that, please contact us at info@espace-creation.ch
Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. Our support service will be available to answer you as soon as possible at info@espace-creation.ch