Computer cookies allow a personalized experience on our website They make it easier for you to find and fill out forms and they allow you to be distinguished from other visitors.

By browsing our site, you accept the use of Espace-Création cookies. All cookies can be deleted once your visit is over.

The web cookie is a small coded file that will be saved on your computer or any other device you use to browse our site. It will allow you to know if you have already visited our site; just as if there is a pop-up message that appears and you validate it, it will also be saved in our cookie. And this can prevent you from displaying the message each time you visit our site.

The analysis cookie will allow us to list the pages you have visited and thanks to it, the products added to your basket will also be listed.

Functionality cookies allow us to make our website work better and allow us to recognize you and the language you use to browse.

Finally, targeting cookies and third-party cookies allow us to make the link between your visit to our site and our various means of communication. We use social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc…. as well as partner pages such as reviews on localsearch, Google, etc….

In conclusion, we need it every day to improve our website and our service in order to do our job well and in the best conditions.

However, we understand that you don't want to see targeted ads popping up everywhere every time you surf the internet. You can easily read the description of if you have more questions.

You will also find in the privacy policy everything you need to know about the protection of your personal data.